The Czech Society for Construction Law has been founded in the year 1992 to promote education, study and research in the field of the both the private and public construction law and related subjects, for instance the procurment, in the Czech Republic.
Members are recruited from all sectors of zonnig and construction industry and must proof their good reputation in the profession. The number of members is currently 140. Among the members – physicial persons prevail the lawyers ( judges, civil servants, attorneys at law, arbitrators). Some architects and civil engineers are members, too. Further, there are among the members some artificial persons – the leading construction firms.
The Society holds meetings, lectures and social events; publishes the Construction Law Bulletin (Quartely), supports educational bodies and generally promotes interest in construction law.
Some architects and civil engineers are members too.
We collaborate heavily with state authorities, public bodys and private subjects on upcoming new legislation on the field of construction law.
The statutory body of the Society the elected Board which consists of 19 members.
Contact adress:
Česká společnost pro stavební právo
Secretary – Ing. arch. Hana Bártová
Václavské náměstí 31
110 00 Praha 1
Phone: (+420) 731 628 107
(+420) 222 248 090
JUDr. Jan Mareček
Ing. arch. Hana Bártová
Mgr. David Dvořák, Ph.D., JUDr. Emil Flegel, JUDr. Ing. Josef Staša, Ph. D., JUDr. Vlastislav Zunt, Ph. D.
JUDr. Alena Bányaiová, Ph.D., Ing. Vladimíra Helenbrantová, Ing. Jaroslav Hodina, Ing. Lenka Holendová, Mgr. Jana Janečková, Mgr. Vladimír Ježek, Mgr. Jaroslava Milerová, Ing. Renáta Pintová -- Králová, JUDr. Vladimíra Sedláčková, Ing. Petr Serafín, Doc. JUDr. Ivana Štenglová, JUDr. Zdeňka Vobrátilová, Mgr. Jana Gregorová, Ing. Ing. Karel Horejš.