Relational Contracts and Good Faith in construction contracts: Experiences from the UK and Australia of how to contract better

1. Programme

10.00-11.00 AM CET
Title: Relational Contracts and Good Faith in construction contracts: Experiences from the UK and Australia of how to contract better
Speakers: Mr David Christie, Academic Strategic Lead - Academic Programmes, Law School, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Professor Séverine Saintier, Cardiff University and Dr Jessica Viven Wilksch, Lecturer Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide, Australia Moderator: Roberto Panetta, Vice Chairman of the European Society of Construction Law, Attorney at Law, Managing Partner of Panetta Law Firm

2. Target group

The ESCL Webinars are meant for lawyers and people interested in European Construction Law and alternative dispute resolution methods.

3. Information

The need for a closer/more collaborative contracting in the construction industry is gaining momentum. This is often presented in terms of finding tools to resolving and avoiding  disputes in the construction industry. Although good faith and relational contracts, as concepts are perceived as potential tools to allow this move to a closer/more collaborating contracting, the definition of such concepts are still unsettled in the UK and Australia. This however does not deny the growing acceptance of the use of such terms in judicial circles mirrored by a clear move by the construction industry in both jurisdictions to move forward in policy terms by introducing new collaborative schemes.  This webinar will therefore examine the judicial approach and industry initiatives to demonstrate that there is – underpinning both – a project-centric approach. The aim of this webinar is to facilitate a conversation to help foster a deeper understanding of the future of construction contracts in promoting successful project delivery.

4. How to register?

The administration is taken care of by the European Society of Construction Law (ESCL). All webinars are free of charge.  To register please go to the tab 'Register' and fill in the form after which you will receive an e-mail with a Teams link. There will be a recording available of this and future ESCL webinars. The PPT will be placed on the website the day after the webinar.

February 28th, 2023 10:00 AM
Event data
Event kind ESCL event
Official language English