
The Austrian Society of Construction Law (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Baurecht; ÖGEBAU) was founded in 1978 by leading individuals of construction companies, construction-related academics, architects, engineering consultants, lawyers, the Austrian Standards Institute and the Austrian construction federations.

Today ÖGEBAU has about 300 members, 10 percent of them being institutions representing the most renowned construction companies, large engineering consultant companies and all major contracting authorities in Austria.

From the beginning the society aimed at being a common platform for information and discussion about all issues concerning private and public construction law. The constant advancement of our society is proven by the fact that we changed the name in 2008 to “Austrian Society of Construction Law and Construction Business Management” (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Baurecht und Bauwirtschaft) – and consequently expanded our activities accordingly.

Up to today there is a vivid exchange with the other European Construction Societies which form the European Society of Construction Law (ESCL). We attach great importance to this exchange of opinions and experience and are aware that international cooperation in Europe will in future be even more important due to growing relevance of European Union Law in the construction sector. 

In the starting years of ÖGEBAU we focused especially on public procurement law and developed quite some expertise in this field. Hence this will also in future be one of our core activities.

You find all information about ÖGEBAU and about our events on our webpage


Dr. Georg Karasek


Dr. Michael Müller

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Baurecht und Bauwirtschaft (Austrian Society for Construction Law and Construction Business Management)
Heinestrasse 38
1020 Wien